Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Service Mission: FAQ

So many people have been asking me about my Service Mission in the FamilySearch Library. If you have an questions at all, feel free to ask! I am more than happy to answer them. BUT before you start throwing out the questions, allow me to answer the frequently asked questions (FAQ).

What is the difference between a service mission and a regular mission? A service mission is very different from a full-time proselyting mission, but it is still the same work. We are still both bringing souls unto Christ! In my mission, we don't get a mission call in the mail that we open to determine the next year and a half or two years of our lives. We actually kind of get to choose what we would like to be called to. We get called to a center or a building near us instead of a city, state, or country. I live at home. I could live with anyone and anywhere I wanted to. I chose to serve in the Riverton, Utah FamilySearch Library for one year. I serve 4 days a week for 7 hours per day (28 hours a week). We can hold a job on the side, and we only wear our badges when we are working, or attending anything that has to do with the church (anything which involves a bishop or stake president). So if you see me at anything having to do with church, don't be surprised if I've got my cute little name tag on! We do not have companions. When we are serving, we are usually with someone else, but we don't always have the same person. We really just find someone to hang out with the whole time and learn from each other.

What do you do at the FamilySearch Library? I help patrons that come in to do their family history. Some people have never been here, and never even done family history. I help them get started and help them bring their ancestors out of obscurity. I help them use the computer, printers and scanners, etc. I am there to help them every step of the way. It is so fulfilling when I help someone find the person they are looking for. The spirit is incredible. When I am not assisting a patron, I am sitting and waiting to help someone. Sometimes, I get the opportunity to do my own family history work while I wait to help someone, but there is usually lots to do. So FEEL FREE to come on in and see me! I can help you out! You don't even have to be a member of the church. We don't even push the gospel on you. Come, and do your family history, because there are so many good feelings and blessings that come from finding those who you came from! "In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage- to know who we are and where we have come from." -Alex Haley

Can you go swimming? Believe it or not, this really is a frequently asked question. I believe that I can go swimming. I haven't heard otherwise, but most people who serve here are old and don't swim anyway, so I don't think they are too worried about it.

Are you set apart as a missionary? Yes, but I haven't been set apart just yet. If you have questions about more rules, I will be able to answer them once I am set apart. I am set apart as a missionary and that is when the rules go into place.

Do you have to be unable to serve a full-time mission to serve a service mission? Absolutely not! You can serve a service mission if you feel that it is right for you. I couldn't serve a full time mission, and I still very much wish that I could, but I know this is where I am supposed to be. If you would rather stay at home, only serve for your chosen amount of time, if you need to keep a job, or even all of the above, then a service mission is right for you.

What other service missions are there available to me? If you would like to serve a service mission, first off, talk to your bishop. He will be able to research for you and let you know what is available near you and open to you! He will give you a few options, and he will ask you to pray about it and see which one stands out to you. Family history is what stood out to me, so that is what I chose. There are many other options!

Any other questions, you can ask me, or click here! :)
For a short and informative video about Church Service Missionaries, click here!

Thank you for reading, and like I said, please ask me any questions at all. I love to answer them. :)

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