
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

K-I-S-S-I-N-G & I Love You's

Well people, it is the 10th of September. You know what this means.... (Actually you don't, and if you did I would be pretty freaked out...) This means that Kyler and I have been OFFICIALLY dating for 4 months! (Yes, I am that girl.) Okay, yep that's not very long. But those of you who know us have known that we have been doing this love dance for over a year now... ANYWAY! We used May 10th as our official date because that is the day we had our first kiss! ...Well...the day I punched him in the mouth with my mouth that turned into a kiss.
Interested? Good. Cause here is the story.

Once upon a time, I had had the worst day in the history of the world. I was already having such a hard time with some situations that I had been going through and some major changes in my life, and this day just flat out sucked. I was at my friend's pageant until about 9:00 that night and I was texting Kyler the whole time. I told him that I was having a bad day. He told me to not worry and that when I was finished he would come and pick me up and he would take me on a treasure hunt. Sweetest thing ever, right? Now, keep in mind that we were not dating at the time. We had held hands, and we both knew we loved each other, but we didn't really know where this thing we had was going.
Needless to say, I couldn't wait to see this guy. The pageant ended, and I got home only to put on some warm clothes and meet him at the door. :) He hugged me, and said "Hey, let's go have some fun!" He explained in the car that we were to find "The Treasure Of Ultimate Cuteness". I had no idea what that meant. I didn't know if he had planted a treasure, or if he was just trying to take me on a walk to make me smile and feel happier. Heck, I didn't care what it was, being in his presence made me the happiest little girl in the whole entire world.
We drove up to a random spot and parked. He told me to pull out the treasure map from his bag and tell us where to go! I was so confused. Like what?... Anyway, he grabbed my hand and lead me to a trail to hike up. We passed the twin caves, and many more "landmarks" that he named himself. We had made it to the destination of a beautiful waterfall. He turned on his flashlight and told me to hurry and look around for the treasure! I had NO IDEA what on earth I was searching for. After about 5 minutes of wandering aimlessly being timid and not knowing what I was doing, I saw a little soggy box hidden under a pile of rocks. "You found it, Heather, we did it!" he said. (Why is he so adorable tho?) we opened it up and I found things in the box including a set of tiny Uno cards, the teensiest little Tabasco bottle in the world, an itty bitty baby shot gun, and so many more cute mini things! I was dying. Those of you who know me know that I have heart attacks when I see cute tiny things. Taped to the lid of the box decorated in poinsettias and mud was a note that read, "Out of all the cutest things in this world, Heather Marie Woodcox is the very cutest!!!"... But I didn't discover that adorable note until about a month and a half after...
After we basked in the glory of the "Treasure of Ultimate Cuteness", we found a flat spot on the ground and laid down together with blanket he came prepared with. Nervously, I grabbed his arm began to cuddle up next to him. We laid there and talked and stared up at the bright stars and the tiny sliver of a moon. This whole laying on the ground with our faces inches away from each other became a reoccurring thing, and it was getting cutely annoying that we hadn't kissed yet. Now, I knew he wasn't going to make the first move because he knew that I had a boyfriend on a mission, and he didn't want to start anything with me unless I was totally sure that it was a good idea. I was so nervous but guess what. I WANTED TO KISS HIM SO BAD. I mean, COME ON. His mouth was RIGHT there, inches away from mine. Our gaze kept switching from the sky, to each other's eyes. It became silent. I asked what he was thinking. He said "I just really love this moment. I love being here with you." Yep, melted. He then asked, "What are you thinking?" I hesitated for a little bit and said "...You sure you wanna know?" He responded with yes. I hesitated again, and got up the courage to say, "I really want to kiss you right now." I took a deep breath because that was super hard for me to get that out of my mouth because I was so nervous. I thought he would kiss me. I have never been so nervous!

OH? OHHH?!?!?! THAT'S IT? He said "Oh.", smiled, and turned his gaze back to the stars. Excuse me, but if that wasn't asking for a kiss from you, I don't know what was. I felt really stupid. I then turned and looked up and the stars. "Yep." I said. After another pause, he said, "I want to kiss you too." THAT TOOK FOREVER! But STILL he didn't make a move or anything after. He just laid there starring into the stars. WHAT WAS THE DEAL! I didn't get it at the time, but he was actually trying extremely hard to respect me and holding himself back.
All of the sudden, we were rudely interrupted by the rustling of bushes and voices of teenage boys. We sat up to see them, and they responded "OH MAN, I'm so sorry guys. You can continue, don't mind us. Sorry to ruin your moment." Guys, for real? Well, we became very uncomfortable after they started lighting up their Pot. Awesome. So we just laughed at the strange situation, and started walking back down the mountain.
I wasn't too butt-hurt about the "Oh" comment. I knew now that he wasn't going to pull a move until I did first. He later told me that he was terrified because then next day I would talk to my missionary over Skype for Mother's Day and he didn't want to make things more complicated for me. Hence, the 2 "oh's" and hesitations. What a respectful man. I loved him even more.
We continued talking and headed down the mountain. When we got in the car, it was about midnight. I didn't want to go home yet. I didn't want to leave him just yet. We sat in the car and talked. We played "The Question Game" where one of us asks a question about the other person, and they respond, but then the person who asked the question has to respond with THEIR answer for that same question. We played that for a while and got into some deep stuff. That made me love him more. Could he be anymore irresistible? Clearly he couldn't, because we found ourselves in that silent situation again. He asked "What are you thinking?" I hesitated again and giggled. Well, I was gonna be honest! "I just.... really really want to kiss you."

"Oh" again, huh? Well, must be time to take matters into my own hands.
I could tell he was thinking of saying something, but I knew that if I didn't do this now, I never would. Here goes nothing!!
I LUNGED out of my seat and smacked his mouth with my mouth. He wasn't kissing me back.... What in the world? Well, maybe if you just keep kissing him he will kiss you back. Just keep kissing him.
I was correct. He did kiss me back. :) We kissed, and I didn't know until this very night that fireworks really were a thing that happened when you are kissing the love of your life. I believed in a spark, but some people believe that a first kiss will tell them everything they need to know about a relationship. I wasn't so sure about that, but now I am. The fireworks that were felt when my lips touched his were unexplainable.
When I pulled away, I backed up and said "....Sorry..."
He was just so surprised. I will never forget that face. He laughed and said "Don't be" This was bliss. We were both smiling so big. This had finally happened.
I sat there staring at his smile and I knew that everything was okay.
"You realize this is going to make things a lot more complicated, right?" he said.
"Yep....." I said quietly, and we both giggled. He grabbed my face delicately, and pulled it to him slowly and kissed me more. (Boy, is he a good kisser...)
He pulled away and said, "I don't really know if this is okay to say right now, but Heather I have waited so long to say it. I love you, Heather Woodcox. I'm sure I do. ...You don't have to say it back, I know things are complicated, but I love you, and you need to know that. I have loved you for the longest time. I love you!
It was like the love in that car was tangible. I could almost physically touch it. It was the most romantic moment I have ever experienced, I wished I could stay there forever with him.

And the rest of that night was history. We drove home, and listened to "On Top Of The World" by Imagine Dragons on repeat and said it perfectly described that situation. :)

Kyler is the love of my life and my soul mate. Every time we kiss, those fireworks are still there and sometimes ever more are there! Every kiss is still as thrilling as the first time, and I wouldn't change a single thing.

I love you, Kyler.


  1. What a cute story! Way too be brave :)

  2. I can't believe you kissed him! When you had a boyfriend! And one who was on a mission, serving the Lord, too... Man, talk about cheating in the worst way possible! Your new guy was so caring to not kiss you and to not try and be "the other man." I hope you don't cheat on him, too.

  3. Wow, that was not the nicest thing to say. Be nice on the internet people! Heather that was such a cute story. I am so glad you and your fiance are happy. Everyone deserves to be madly in love with someone who loves them like crazy back :)

  4. Thanks for the love and support, Mikele! You're fantastic!
    Anonymous reader, try not to judge too hard, seeing you don't know the back story. :)

  5. This is adorable! I seriously felt like I just read a chick flick <3
