
Monday, September 9, 2013

October 6th, 2012 - Life Changing News

It was October 6th, 2012. Who knew that one day would change my whole life forever. There I was, sitting in the LDS Conference Center on a beautiful day with two of my best friends, Zoey and Sarah. We were so excited for this 182nd Semi-Annual General Conference! I mean, who doesn't love hearing guidance and counsel from General Authorities of the church? We love conference and it was such a blessing to be able to attend it, especially this specific session. President Thomas S. Monson got up and smiled his precious smile to the crowd of thousands of people staring back at him. He had the usual welcome and announcements to make. He made a few announcements about temples around the whole world. "Brothers and sisters, I now turn to another matter-namely, missionary service." he said. I have always loved missionary work, and was preparing to wait for my best friend and love of my life on his mission, so this immediately caught my attention. I was on the edge of my seat! I could not wait to hear this announcement, no matter how big it was! He carried on to talk about how they had sent out 18 year old missionaries and so far they had been successful with their work, and had a very positive experience. I could feel it coming. This was going to be huge.
"I am pleased to announce that effective immediately, all worthy and able young men who have graduated from high school or it's equivalent, regardless of where they live, will have the option of being recommended for missionary service beginning at the age of 18, instead of age 19."
Still, even writing this gives me chills up and down my spine. I heard this announcement and felt tingling from my fingertips, to my toes. I immediately started sobbing. Words can not express how strong the spirit was in that room filled with hundreds of future missionaries. This meant that Tony would be leaving MUCH sooner than expected, especially because he was already 18! I did not have any idea as to why I was crying, but I could not stop the tears streaming from my face. (And those of you who know me know that I don't cry a lot when it comes to things like that!) But no, it did not stop there. I didn't even think about the young women age  changing!
"As we have prayerfully pondered the age at which young men may begin their missionary service, we have also given consideration to the age at which a young woman might serve. Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21."
Yes, my hand was over my mouth, and tears were just continuing to gush from my eyes. This had to be a dream. This was the biggest curve ball that had ever been thrown at my life! I had trouble concentrating through the rest of the meeting. It took a while to let this all sink in. Sarah leaned over to me and said "Heather, I can't believe this! I'm going on a mission in a year!" (She now has her call to Helsinki, Finland Reporting October 23rd!)
My life was literally changed forever. I called my boyfriend, Tony, and we were both just in shock. This was much earlier than we expected, but I was so excited. (The sooner he leaves, the sooner he comes back!) We decided to go to the temple.
I went to the Draper temple with Zoey and he went by himself to the Oquirrh Mountain temple. I prayed and I opened up the Book of Mormon. Suddenly, the scripture D&C 19:23 popped into my head. What a great and comforting scripture. I then kept reading and came across verses 36-41. I just cried. I knew that I was needed out there to serve a mission. I decided then and there that when I could, I would start my mission papers. Tony had decided that he was supposed to go now instead of later, so he started his papers as soon as he could! I was SO excited! I felt like I was more excited than him!! (Probably not, though.) He finished his paper, I took his picture for his papers, and he sent them in. This is us when we took his picture at the Draper temple:

After a week and a half of waiting for the call, it arrived on December 12th, 2012 (Yes, 12/12/12) The Letter that would decide the next 2 years of his life!

Samara, Russia it was! Reporting on February 13th, 2013. I Couldn't have been more proud! I was so excited!! I could not stop hugging him that night. :)
To Be Continued. The journey had just begun...


  1. Heather. I just want you to know that yes I blog-stalk you... and also, I think you are the greatest. Thanks for your testimony and your light! I love you! You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. thanks again for just being YOU.

    1. Kylie! Please blog-stalk me. I like it >:) You just made my day. Seriously, I look up to you in so many ways! You are so amazing and so beautiful in every way. I love you so much, woman!! :D <3
