
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Answer is "Yes"

Well hey there!

I have been asked lots of questions about my life lately. And when I say lots, I mean LOTS. 
The answer to all of them is "Yes."
I am dating "this Kyler guy" as he is commonly referred to (even though he is much more than that). I have gotten many judgmental comments, and messages, and I am quite surprised with a lot of my "friends" to be quite honest. I'm not going to tell the whole story, but before you jump to the conclusion that I have left my missionary, Tony, or that I am cheating on him with someone else, or even that I'm just lonely and I just need to have attention, keep in mind that maybe it's not entirely my fault or decision.
Lately, I have felt that so many of you have viewed me and a terrible person for "messing up his mission" or "distracting him", but have you ever thought that it's just as hard, if not HARDER for me than it is for him?
Anyway, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that, with ANYTHING, jumping to conclusions about someone can be very hurtful. Everyone does it, it doesn't make you horrible. Heck, even I catch myself doing it. We are human and it's just how we work. I have been hurting so bad about the situation with Tony, but I decided I wanted to stop keeping mine and Kyler's relationship a secret, so we went "Facebook Official" (haha;) for lack of a better phrase... and I got SO many great comments like "Finally!" or "You two are very cute! I'm so happy that you are happy!" or even "It makes me happy that you are doing what makes you happy, even when it's probably really hard." I can't tell you how relieved that made me feel. But it was the comments like "What about Tony?" or "You're screwing with his mission." or even a few choice swear words directed toward me, that's made me laugh. I laughed and tried to not let them get to me because I knew that this would happen from the beginning. I was prepared. But I can only do that to an extent. Those of you who REALLY know me know how hard it is for me to hurt people, and how hard it is for me to be hurt by someone that I love the most. If you know me, you should know that I don't take this lightly, and I wouldn't throw away something so wonderful for something temporary. It's those people that I really should care about.

I would like to thank EVERYONE who is supportive or even if you aren't supportive, those who were still kind about it. I would like to tell everyone who keeps up the messages and comments that are hurtful to please consider thinking about all of the possibilities that are going on before you jump to conclusions about a situation, or a person.

We all have our trials, we all deal with them differently, and I know without a doubt that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing right now. That's what is happening, so now you know.

There is my answer to all of you. :) And I am truly happy with the situation because I am trusting in The Lord and His plan for me. I have no idea what is going to happen in the long run, but I do know that He always knows what I should do better than I ever will. 

One year ago when we were "chickacritt".
And then we went on an adventure and attempted to fish with a homemade fishing pole.
(As you can see, it was unsuccessful.)
This Memorial Day weekend in Moab.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rainy Day Playlist

It has been so cloudy lately, and I really LOVE rain, but when it's just cloudy, I just feel so sad. I have wanted to make a playlist of songs I can listen to on gloomy days that won't make me depressed, and I wanted to share a few of my absolute favorites! So if you are also seeking songs that fit the rainy mood, but won't make you want to crawl into a hole and wallow in your grief, here are 20 of the best ones! :)

1. "Stop This Train" - John Mayer
2. "By The Grace Of God" - Katy Perry
3. "Wonderful" - Gary Go
4. "3x5" - John Mayer
(Pretty much any song by John Mayer...)
5. "Love Me" - Katy Perry
6. "Crazy Love" - Mindy Gledhill
7. "All The Pennies" Mindy Gledhill
8. "Crack the Shutters" - Snow Patrol
9. "Snails" - The Format
10. "Slow Love" - Michael Alvarado
11. "Underdog" - Imagine Dragons
12. "You & Me" - Dave Matthews Band
13. "Sweet Love" - Megan Joy
14. "Stolen" - Dashboard Confessional
15. "Lost Year" - Mute Math
16. "King And Lionheart" - Of Monsters and Men
17. "No Matter Where You Are" - Us
18. "The Heart of Life" - John Mayer  (a personal favorite)
19. "The First Single (You Know Me)" - The Format
20. "Closer To Love" - Matt Kearney

And there you have it! 1 hour and 19 minutes of pure goodness for that dull, cloudy day of yours.
Spotify Users!! I am on Spotify, and you can have access to this playlist on my account by clicking HERE. Listen to this playlist at home, or on the go with your mobile device!

I hope this makes your dreary days a little more sunny and bright. :) Enjoy!!

Yours Truly,
